John Michael Byrd

From The Sky, 2014, watercolor and acrylic on grommeted mylar, 30×40″

Light Pillars, 2014, watercolor and acrylic on grommeted mylar, 30×40″

A Big Sweep, 2014, watercolor and acrylic on grommeted mylar, 30×40″

Buried in Oblivion, 2014, watercolor and acrylic on grommeted mylar, 18×24″

Pink Comet From Left Field, 2014, watercolor and acrylic on grommeted mylar, 18×24″

A Fertile Place, 2014, watercolor and acrylic on mylar on panel, 9×12″

John Michael holds an MFA in Interdisciplinary Studio Arts from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and is also an alumnus of Louisiana State University with a BFA in Painting and Drawing. He is primarily a painter, but has also worked in drawing, video, objects, performance and printmaking. Byrd’s two-dimensional work compels viewers with a vibrating, sensual use of color and line, and transports us to a realm somewhere between reality and artificiality, what is familiar and what we fear. John Michael’s work has been featured in numerous regional and national exhibitions and competitions. Also, he has been awarded several grants and scholarships including the J. Kenneth Edmiston Memorial Scholarship and the Carl M. Thorp Memorial Art Scholarship. John Michael is currently an Adjunct Instructor at The University of Massachusetts-Amherst.